Written Test Questions in C Programming


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As most of you are aware, the road to a successful career in Software starts with a series of Written Technical Tests conducted by most IT companies in India. These companies test your fundamental skills in programming and design in three major areas C Programming, Data Structures and C++ Programming. Most of you may nave prepared for that “dream test” without knowing the exact pattern, the level and the difficulty of questions that appear in such tests. As a result, you are not able to give your best performance in these tests. This “Written Test Questions” series addresses these concerns and is aimed at giving you the necessary practice and confidence to help you crack these tests. This series presents a whole gamut on questions on difference topics in each of these three subjects C, DS and C++. This volume is dedicated to topics like: Data typesPointers AdvancedStorage Classes?Arrays?Structures?Control Instructions?Functions?Pointer ConceptsPreprocessor Directives?Strings