The 8051 Programming Interfacing Applications


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81 programming, interfacing, & applications experiments with the 8051 single-chip microcomputer employs Intel’s SDK-51 System Design Kit as the vehicle. The unique architecture, instruction set, & bit-byte capability of the 8051 are brought to bear in the areas of controller “bit-banging”, serial I/O, timer-counter applications, & arithmetic. Chapter 1 presents the necessary 8051/SDK-51 information. Chapter 2 shows the reader, step by step, with experiments, how to use the SDK-51 with its monitor commands. Chapter 3 presents experiments involving practical & useful SDK-51 monitor subroutines as tools in applications. Chapter 4 takes the user through experiments employing the various powerful & unique 8051 instructions In Chapter 5, 17 control application experiments are presented invoicing A to D, D to A, interrupts, polling of bit addresses, and other techniques which illustrate a host of capabilities of the 8051 as a controller. The 8051’s two 16-bit [or four 8-bit] timer-counters are thoroughly covered in the experiments of Chapter 6. Serial I/O with the 8051 [interprocessor communications, I/O port expansion, UART communication, bus protocol] is featured in the experiments of Chapter 7. Chapter 8 goes into arithmetic with the 8051. Adaptation of the SDK-15’s auxiliary keypad to the user’s needs and functions is treated in an experiment in Chapter 9. The 8051 has pioneered new ground in the 8-bit microcomputer world. This book gets you quickly into that new frontier.

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