
The 8051 and MSP430 Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming and Applications | IM | e

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Preface Chapter 1 Computers, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers – An Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Common Terminologies Associated with Computing Systems1.3 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers1.4 CISC and RISC Systems1.5 Computing Languages1.6 Memory1.7 Computer Architecture: Harvard and von Neumann1.7.1 von Neumann Architecture: Princeton Architecture1.7.2 Harvard Architecture1.8 Evolution of Microcontrollers – 4 bit to 32 bitChapter 2 Data Representation2.1 Introduction2.2 Number System2.3 Decimal Representation2.4 Complements2.5 Fixed-Point Representation2.6 Floating-Point Representation2.7 Other Binary CodesChapter 3 8051 Architecture3.1 Introduction3.2 Block Diagram of 80513.3 Pin Diagram of 80513.4 Clock and Machine Cycle for 80513.5 Registers of 80513.6 The 8051 Internal Memory3.7 Stack and Stack Pointer3.8 Timers and Counters3.9 I/O Ports3.10 Serial Input/Output3.12 Supply Voltage3.13 Status of SFR’s on Reset3.14 Machine Cycles3.15 Detailed Pin DescriptionChapter 4 Assembly Language Programming I: Addressing Modes and Data Transfer4.1 Introduction4.2 Assembly Language4.3 Flow Charts and Algorithm4.4 8051 Data Types and Directives4.5 Addressing Modes4.6 Data Transfer with Stack4.7 Data Exchange4.8 Complete Set of Data Transfer InstructionsChapter 5 Assembly Language Programming II: Arithmetic and Logic Operators5.1 Introduction5.2 Addition5.3 Incrementing and Decrementing5.4 Subtraction5.5 Multiplication5.6 Division5.7 Decimal Addition5.8 Summary of Arithmetic Operations of 80515.9 Logical Operations: Byte Level5.10 CLEAR and COMPLEMENT Accumulator5.11 Bit-Level Logical Operations5.13 Swap Operation5.14 Summary of Bit-Level Logical OperationsChapter 6 Assembly Language III: Jump and Call Instructions6.1 Introduction6.2 Address Range of Jump and Call Instruction6.4 CALL InstructionChapter 7 Programming 8051 with C7.1 Introduction7.2 Declaring Variables7.3 Writing a Simple C Program7.4 Delay Generation in C7.5 Programming Ports of 8051 with C7.6 Operators in 8051 C7.7 Serial Port Programming using Shift Operators7.8 Code Conversions in C and ALP7.9 Code SpaceChapter 8 Timers / Counters and Serial Port in 80518.1 Introduction8.2 Time Delay Generation Using Timers8.3 Application of Timers in Mode 28.4 Counter Application8.5 Serial Data Transfer8.6 Second Serial Port in 8051Chapter 9 Interrupts9.1 Introduction9.2 Review of Interrupts in 80519.3 External Interrupts9.4 Serial Communication Interrupt9.5 Priority Implementation for 8051 InterruptsChapter 10 Interfacing the 805110.1 Introduction10.2 Interfacing a LED and a 7-Segment Display to an 805110.3 Interfacing a Single Key (Push Button) to the 805110.4 Matrix Keypad or Interfacing Keyboard to the 805110.5 Stepper Motor Interfacing to 805110.6 Interfacing a DAC to an 805110.7 DC Motor Interfacing to 805110.8 Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC)Chapter 11 Simulation of 8051 Using Keil Software (Lab Manual)11.1 Introduction11.2 Features of the 8051 Version Used11.3 Creating and Compiling a µ Vision2 Project11.4 Programming in ALP11.5 Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) Interfacing to 8051Chapter 12 MSP Microcontroller: Introduction and Key Features12.1 Introduction12.3 MSP430 RISC CPU Architecture12.4 Details of 16-Bit RISC CPU12.5 Clock System12.6 Memory Subsystem12.7 Key Differentiating Factors between Different Families12.8 Digital I/O Ports12.9 Mixing Scheme for MSP430 PinsChapter 13 On-Chip Peripherals, Interfacing and Applications of MSP43013.1 Watchdog Timer13.3 Comparator A13.4 ADC10 Successive-Approximation ADC13.5 The SD16_A Sigma–Delta ADC13.6 Operational Amplifiers13.7 Timers13.8 Real-Time Clock13.9 DAC: Digital-to-Analog Conversion13.10 Direct Memory Access (DMA)13.11 LCD Controller13.12 Case Studies of Applications of MSP430 – Data Acquisition System13.13 Sensor NetworksChapter 14 Programming the MSP43014.1 Addressing Modes14.2 Instruction Set of MSP43014.3 Double Operand Core Instructions14.4 Single Operand Core Instructions (Format II)14.5 Program Flow Control – Jumps: Core Instructions (Format III)14.6 Emulated Instructions14.7 Movement Instructions14.8 Implementation of Decimal Arithmetic14.9 Shift and Rotate Instructions14.10 Code Composer Essentials14.11 Programming in ALP14.12 C and Assembly C Projects for MSP430 Microcontrollers14.13 Interrupts and Interrupt Programming14.14 Low-Power Modes and Low-Power Programming14.15 Interfacing LED/LCD/External MemoryChapter 15 Application Development Using 805115.1 Support Structure for 8051-Based Product Development15.2 Lab-Based Experiments: Design and Testing15.3 Development of Mini Projects Based on 805115.4 Implementation of Real-World Projects Using Sensors and Actuators15.4.1 Automatic Irrigation System15.4.5 Wireless Home Security System Using PIR Sensor15.5 Trends in Usage of 8051 in 32-bit ApplicationsSummary, Questions, Appendix and Index.

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Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 11 × 11 × 11 cm
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