Python in Easy Steps

Original price was: ₹330.00.Current price is: ₹264.00.

It is written in plain English, easy to follow,  fantastic value, Makes Programming Fun, Plain English, Fully Illustrated

Now in its second edition, this best-selling guide teaches Python Programming in simple, digestible chunks. Python in Easy Steps begins by explaining how to install the free Python Interpreter. Then it covers all the essentials including:

Python language basics
Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
CGI Scripting to handle web form data
Creating and deploying graphical windowed applications

Complete examples, with freely downloadable colorised source code, are provided throughout the book. This edition covers Python version 3.7, but examples canoe used in subsequent releases
-Simply download the latest version of Python then follow the easy steps and start creating your own executable programs from Day One !

All indispenssable guide for Python newbies of all ages!

Getting Started, Performing Operations, Making statements, Defining functions, Importing modules, Managing strings, Programming Objects, Processing Requests, Building Interfaces, Developing Applications, Index

SKU: 9789388176361 Category: