
Perfect Questions Perfect Answers (Purna Prashna Purna Uttar)

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Perfect Questions Perfect Answers (Purna Prashna Purna Uttar) In 1972, Bob Cohen, a science teacher in the Peace Corps, began a search for spiritual enlightenment that took him the length and breadth of India. Here is the transcript of his life-transforming meetings with Srila Prabhupada in the holy village of Mayapur, India, the birthplace of Sri Krishna Chaitanya, A True Account.

A search for meaning carries Bob Cohen, a young American Peace Corps worker halfway around the world, to an ancient village in the midst of West Bengal. There, in a small bamboo hut, he finds a teacher who is able to tell him everything he ever wanted to know.
?God, spiritual life–those were such vague terms to me before I met Srila Prabhupada. I have always been interested in religion, but before I met the Krishna conscious devotees, somehow I did not have the proper perspective needed to inquire fruitfully about spiritual life. The existence of a Creator is only common sense–but who is God? Who am I? I had been to Hebrew School and had studied Oriental philosophy, but I could never get satisfying answers to my questions.? ? Bob Cohen 1972
A series of meetings with Srila Prabhupada transforms the life of Bob Cohen the Peace Corps worker in India. There in a small bamboo house in the holy land of Mayapur, he finds himself at the feet of one of India’s greatest saintly teachers, a teacher who seems to tell him everything he ever wanted to know.

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Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 11 × 11 × 11 cm
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