
Handbook of Internal Communication 2nd Edition

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Table of Contents Introduction Part 1 The Fundamentals of Internal Communication Measurement Creating an internal communication strategy What makes a competent communicator? Connecting with the unconnected Recognising and rewarding employees Communication at the coalface Part 2 Classic Models for Communication Maslow’s hierarchy of needs The change curve Management theories X Y and Z The Johari window McLelland’s needs-based model of motivation Herzberg’s 2-factor theory Mayo’s Hawthorne study Part 3 Skills and Media Writing skills How to commission a video Better presentations The concern scale How intranets and related technologies are re-defining internal communications Appreciative enquiry How to run a focus group Facilitation skills for line managers Part 4 Leadership and Change Communication Leadership and engagement Communicating through a merger or acquisition Make change last New CEO: a case study in communicating Part 5 Advanced Communication Skills CSR and the communication professional Storytelling and business Moving minds Perspective: the hidden dimension Cultural barriers Using pictures to convey strategy Communication champions Better e-mails: the W-H-Y technique Creating meaningful dialogue at work Advanced employee engagement How to create an award-winning change campaign Part 6 Social Media Inside the Enterprise Social media: an introduction First steps in implementing social media Blogs and blogging Blogging for the finance sector Writing for the web Instant messaging as a communication tool Index.

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Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 11 × 11 × 11 cm
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