Beginning AutoCAD Exercise Book

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It is designed for classroom instruction or self study. There are 30 Lessons starts with step by step instructions followed by exercises designed for practicing the commands you learned within that lesson.
You may find the order of instruction in this workbook somewhat different from most textbooks. The approach i take is to familiarize you with the drawing commands first. After you are comfortable with the drawing commands, you will be taught to create  your own setup drawings. This method is accomplished by supplying you with a drawing. “2011-Workbook Helper.dwg”. This drawing is present and ready for you to open and use. For the first 8 Lessons you should not worry about setting you just draw.
Table Of Contents:

Lesson 1. Starting AutoCAD, AutoCAD Workspaces…
Lesson 2. Create a Template, Using a Template..
Lesson 3. Circle, Rectangle..
Lesson 4. Object Snap, Running Object Snap..
Lesson 5. Polygon, Ellipse..
Lesson 6. Break, Trim..
Lesson 7. Copy, Mirror..
Lesson 8. Single Line Text, Multiline Text…
Lesson 9. Coordinate Input, Absolute…
Lesson 10.Moving The Origin, Displaying The UCS Icon..
Lesson 11. Polar Coordinate Input, Using Polar Coordinates…
Lesson 12. Offset, Properties Palette…
Lesson 13. Array, Polor..
Lesson 14. Scale, Stretch…
Lesson 15. Hatch, Gradient Files…
Lesson 16. True Associative Dimensioning..
Lesson 17. Editing Dimension Text Values..
Lesson 18. Dimensioning Diameters..
Lesson 19. Multileader..
Lesson 20. Quick Dimensioning..
Lesson 21. Match Properties, Layer Match..
Lesson 22. Arch, Dimensioning Arch Lengths…
Lesson 23. Polyline, Exercises..
Lesson 24. Editing Polylines, Join..
Lesson 25. Creating New Text Styles….
Lesson 26. Model and Layout Options..
Lesson 27. Creating Scaled Drawings…
Lesson 28. Assigning Multiple Annotative Scales..
Lesson 29. Blocks…
Lesson 30. Express Tools..

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